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Letting go of old to bring in the new meditation

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12 de fev.

I loved this ,it's happening at the moment with so much around me ..yet inside I'm continuing to see what I need to see ,to let go of and move on..I AM living my change and my truth.. regardless of family..i have to let go with love ..I AM me ❤️


04 de jan.

I’ve just had an amazing drive back from Angelsey and felt as if my heart chakra had burst open with gratitude and love. I felt euphoric! Plus the ringing in my ears these past few days has almost been constant 🤩xx

AJ Roberts
AJ Roberts
05 de jan.
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Love that! Amazing!


Membro desconhecido
03 de jan.

Epic the first time and more epic the second time. First time was cutting cords with people or the part of me that maybe allowed others to put a load on me instead of sharing the load. Too much give give and not receiving, that you feel exhausted sometimes. A colleague from last year allowed me to cut the ties with this part of me.

💜 thanks AJ 🙏 feeling positive

AJ Roberts
AJ Roberts
03 de jan.
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Amazing 🙏


Membro desconhecido
02 de jan.

Thank you AJ, great meditation and very appropriate (lovely background music which is always a big factor - being a musician!) I had a ‘disconnected’ sorted of new year’s day yesterday, rather out of sorts, even hosting a house full of people, and the simple cutting of cords (each thought and person as a balloon tied round my waist) was very potent. Floating off into their own journeys and me watching them go. The simple power of the childlike imagination takes a bit of reactivating sometimes. Wishing you a very powerful and successful new year. Xxx


02 de jan.

Thank you AJ

That made me cry but well worth doing 💚i need to continue renovating and making a beautiful calm home for me and my 3 daughters 😊

AJ Roberts
AJ Roberts
02 de jan.
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